Make Your Top Commitment Becoming the Best Possible You

A reminder + a simple lens to help you do this

Princely H. Glorious
2 min readAug 19, 2020
Imagine this sage-like African reminding you to put your growth first | Portrait of a Moroccan | by Josep Tapiró i Baró (1836) | Found: Things by Africa collection

This is going to be brief. Your growth into the best version of yourself comes first. Everything else has to fit around that.

If it can’t fit, it’s a distraction. Cut it out.

Your unwavering, undivided commitment should be to this best-possible-you. All else will follow.

Like most things worth doing, this is hard. It is especially hard when this thing that doesn’t fit around you becoming the best possible you is either a habit you’ve hard for a while or something you really really want.

But remember: you are your own top commitment. There is no one out here to save you, or parent you, or improve you. Make your growth your top commitment — know that no one else needs to, and no one else will.

Train yourself to evaluate the things you add into your life through the lens of whether it contributes towards becoming the best possible you.

Before adding a job, a course, a relationship, a friendship, a trip, a product, whatever… Ask: Does this contribute towards becoming the best version of me? How?

Your life is yours. Treating it as though it is anyone else’s is to err profoundly.

Evaluate what you add to your life with the same earnestness you apply to your profession. It is all you have, after all.



Princely H. Glorious
Princely H. Glorious

Written by Princely H. Glorious

African. Creator. Video essayist. Exploring the intersection of “Africa” “Mobile” “Information” and “Futures” | Bird-of-passage | Follow @onastories everywhere

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